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Zip up. Zip down. Zip uuu..Zip stuck. Oops!


All tired and exhausted, one reaches home after a hectic day. And just when rest and peace is needed the most, stuck jacket or pant zip welcomes you with a heartwarming smile.

That’s really a problem you swear at, isn’t it?

In a fuss you try hard rolling down the zip, try moving it left and right but nothing happens. Instead, you end up breaking it sometimes and spend an extra penny and efforts in fixing it later.


But that problem might just not be one after you come to know about a few home tools that can ‘unzip’ your zip.


Candle Wax

All you got to do is rub candle wax on the teeth of the zip. This will make the zip slide back to its place and unjam it. And it’s done!


Graphite pencil

Who taught that a red black pencil will one day solve such a major problem in our lives?

Take a sharpen pencil and rub it on the teeth of zip. Graphite acts as a lubricant and thus does the greater deal. Now you can easily pull down the zip and relax.



Vaseline has been such a life saviour ever since its inception. And so it comes to the rescue of human kind, once again. As simple as it is, just rub a small amount of vaseline on the stuck part and get rid of it!



Just like any other, rub a crayon along side the edges of the stuck zip and the zip will roll down smoothly as never before. Although a coloured crayon will end up putting on some mark on your valuable until you wash it again, thus a crayon of the similar colour is recommended.


You can thank us later…